Scientific Outcomes
Avsar, E., Feekings, J.P. & Krag, L.A. Edge computing based real-time Nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus) catch estimation in demersal trawls using object detection models. Sci Rep 14, 9481 (2024).
Avsar, E., Feekings, J. P., & Krag, L. A. (2024). Edge computing based real-time Nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus) catch estimation in demersal trawls using object detection models. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1-14.
Marc Carreras, Narcís Palomeras, Pau Vial, Marta Real, Pere Ridao, Joaquín del Río, Daniel Mihai Toma, Juan Manuel López, Gabriel Oliver, Francisco Bonin, Natàlia Hurtós, Jacopo Aguzzi and Damianos Chatzievangelou.
Matias Carandell, Marc Nogueras, Steve Hernández, Daniel Mihai Toma, Enoc Martínez and Joaquín del Río.
Antoni Burguera, Francisco Bonin-Font, Damianos Chatzievangelou.
Nathan J. Robinson, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona, Spain.
25 March 2022
Jacopo Aguzzi, Sascha Flögel, Simone Marini, Laurenz Thomsen, Jan Albiez, Peter Weiss, Giacomo Picardi, Marcello Calisti, Sergio Stefanni, Luca Mirimin, Fabrizio Vecchi, Cecilia Laschi, Andrew Branch, Evan B. Clark, Bernard Foing, Armin Wedler, Damianos Chatzievangelou, Michael Tangherlini, Autun Purser, Lewis Dartnell, Roberto Danovaro.
February 08 2022
Authors: Jacopo Aguzzi,
Joaquin del del Rio, Gabriel Oliver, Juan Manuel Lopez, Joan Batista Company, Joan Navarro, Nixon Bahamón, José Antonio García del Arco, Damianos Chatzievangelou, Nathan J. Robinson, Jordi Grinyó, Sascha Flögel, Daniel Mihai Toma, Marco Francescangeli, Merce Cabane, Xavier Garcias, Marc Carreras Perez, Joseta Roca, Mireia Frigola, Ivan Masmitja, Spartacus Gomariz, Antoni Sanchez
September 2021
Attended Conferences and Workshops
The Tenth International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques is organized by the Institute of BioEconomy – Italian National Research Council (CNR-IBE) in collaboration with Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF).
The Symposium will take place in Livorno from 11th to 13th June 2024, at the Museum of Natural History of the Mediterranean.
The Symposium, organized every two years, is addressed every two years to all the scholars of Mediterranean coastal areas. In particular, as in previous editions, the Symposium is proposed as a place to make known the research carried out in recent years on the topics of monitoring the Mediterranean; and therefore, it is an opportunity to present new proposals and promote actions in favor of the safeguard of the marine and coastal environment. The Symposium addresses issues related to Mediterranean coastal areas and investigations in technical and instrumental solutions to face problems related to: energy production in the coastal area, coastal pollution, morphology and evolution of coastlines, flora and fauna of the littoral system, management and integrated coastal protection, coastline geography, maritime and coastal tourism human influence on coastal landscape.
The Institute of marine engineering of the Italian National Research Council (INM-CNR) will host the next Workshop on EU-funded Marine Robotics and Applications from 27th to 29th May 2024.
Organised under EU projects MONUSEN, MAELSTROM, UWIN-LABUST, SeaTecHub, FAITH, and DIH InnovaMARE, EMRA 2024 will bring together a diverse range of speakers, from ongoing H2020-H-Europe projects, industry, end users and stakeholders. The interdisciplinary event will provide an excellent opportunity for networking and cross-fertilisation of ideas in marine robotics, enabling technologies and applications.
The main objective of the MARTECH Workshop is to share information and points of view on cutting-edge research in several fields of MARine TECHnology. MarTech is an internationally renewed venue for dissemination of marine technology research since 2008.
OCEANS és l’esdeveniment bianual per a tecnòlegs marins, enginyers, estudiants, funcionaris governamentals, advocats i defensors mundials. La conferència OCEANS és l’esdeveniment insígnia de la Marine Technology Society (MTS) i la IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) . La conferència és reconeguda com el fòrum principal per a la comunitat marina internacional per reunir-se i discutir temes rellevants i tendències actuals alhora que crea una comunitat d’aprenents i persones influents que avança constantment la investigació, les pràctiques i les polítiques per al camp marí.
The National Oceanography Centre is proud to be hosting this year EMRA workshop on the 15th – 16th June. The one and half day event aims to bring together a diverse range of speakers from ongoing EU funded research projects, industry stakeholders, policy makers and end users. The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for networking, dissemination of research projects and cross-fertilisation of ideas in marine robotics, enabling innovative technologies and applications. Previously hosted virtually by ISME Pisa Italy this will be the first year since COVID it is held in person but will also be held virtually for those unable to travel. The event is the yearly networking opportunity for European marine robotics researchers to come together show case what they have been working on and discuss new projects.
The First ROBEX International Summer School will be held on Vulcano (Eolian Islands, Italy) in the period 24 August – 2 September 2016. A natural laboratory for marine, terrestrial and planetary science and technology.
The European Training Network on PErsonalized Robotics as SErvice Oriented applications – PERSEO – aims at training and creating a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers and professionals with an entrepreneurship ethos and transferrable skillset to face both societal and technological research challenges of this forthcoming market of personal robots.
Attended Events
Oceanology International 2022-2024 is the most important commercial fair in the underwater technologies’ domain in Europe, it takes place every 2 years in London and gathers more than 500 exhibiting companies and more than 8,000 visitors. The event has a parallel scientific conference where the exhibitors can present and promote their most innovative technologies. IQUA aims to participate in the editions of 2022 and 2024 as an exhibitor. Some project partners will also attend as visitors. It is highly likely that in the edition of 2024 PLOME-related technologies will be presented in the parallel conference to disseminate them.